Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit CSVS_Logo_Circular-600W

Susann Taylor Shier ~ Special Invitation

Susann Taylor Shier is offering the CSVS Season 04 participants a 20% savings to her upcoming immersion training:

Feel at Home on Earth in Your Universal Self

Offer ends 02-Mar-23
Coupon code for Channeling Spirit participants: mastery


Feel at Home on Earth in Your Universal Self is a 21-day live training with Susann. It is a wildly successful and carefully crafted program for sensitive beings, empaths, healers, and multidimensional souls who have difficulty here; know you give too much or take on others’ energies unwittingly.

2023 is the year to know how to expand and deepen your intuitive abilities, without the fear of taking on the energies of those around you. It is the year to bring your natural connection to infinite oneness and the vastness of creation fully into manifestation. It is the year to feel safe, confident and heart centered while bringing the fullness of your multidimensional self into the world.

This is the time to:
 🦋 Find true reliable source connection
 🦋 Assured confidence in who you are
 🦋 Feel a solid anchor within yourself that you can absolutely trust

Feel at Home on Earth in Your Universal Self will help you master your ability to thrive, with an open heart, in ALL ways on Earth as you expand your capacity to bring your unique and beautiful gifts.

During this unparalleled 21-day training, move from being a helpless empath, to receiving the “Empaths’ Guide to Thriving!”

Learn more and register here:



Susann Taylor Shier is also offering the registrants of CSVS a US$200 discount for Susann’s Sedona Retreat Adventure

Retreat Dates: April 1 – April 6, 2023 Come together with Soul Family

Illuminate Your Soul Gifts and Ignite Your Intuitive Mastery in the profound vortex of Sedona Open the door to refresh your spirit, re-energize your body and have the ultimate vacation.

Reengage your vitality and sense of wonder. Give yourself the gift of adventure and lightness of heart rekindled. You deserve to be nurtured and ignited with other beautiful souls who are on the same page with you:

  • Tap into a whole new level of passion for life
  • Forge bonds that will last a lifetime
  • Frolic outdoors like a kid again
  • Laugh until your sides split
  • Surprise yourself by doing something new and unexpected
  • Nourish your body with delicious food that someone else prepares

Your retreat experience includes:

  • Transformational co-creative sessions and meditations led by Susann Taylor Shier
  • Full accommodations for 5 nights at an acclaimed eco-friendly private property
    (including all meals that are organic and take your dietary needs into account)
  • Exploration of numerous Sedona Vortexes and Sacred Sites
  • Plenty of time to relax and unwind
  • Morning Qigong
  • Gorgeous sunsets
  • Evening gatherings and celebrations

Discover more: https://www.soulradianceretreats.net/sedona-2023

Contact Susann to register and secure your spot!
Susann can be reached at susann at soulmastery dot net