Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit CSVS_Logo_Circular-600W

Rev Joanne Angel Barry Colon ~ Special Invitation

Joanne Angel is offering the CSVS Season 08 participants a 25% Discount off a three-month Reiki Talk Therapy program. 

Reiki Talk Therapy includes:
• Twelve 30-minute one-on-one sessions over a three-month period

During each session we will discuss an area of your life that you want to implement change. Discuss the importance of this change, visualize your life in that state of change, and create action steps for you to implement that change.

• One Card Pull as part of each individual session

One Card Pull from my deck, which offers additional insight and brings awareness to one Chakra that may be stuck or blocked. This will be the Chakra that I focus on during the Chakra Alignment.

• Chakra Alignment as part of each individual session

Focus on one Chakra that may be blocked and clear the energy of that Chakra, which will help in creating the desired change. We will also discuss crystals and essential oils for additional alignment if needed.

Reserve before March 1st get 25% off the regular investment $1056 for a special invitation of: US$792

www.wholisticfitnessny.com or healingwithin76 at gmail dot com