Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit CSVS_Logo_Circular-600W

Daniel Martinez Stahl ~ Special Invitation

Daniel is offering the registered participants of CSVS Season 08 a discounted rate for any Life Beyond Form™ Spiritual Journey sessions and starter packages:

Short Life Beyond Form Spirit Journey
(e.g. Past Life, Alternate Life, Metaphoric Journey) | 1.5–2.0 hours| List US$444 | CSVS US$222
(includes a separate 30–60 minutes preparation call)

Long Life Beyond Form Spirit Journey (e.g. exploring the Afterlife In-between Lives) | 3.5–5.0 hours | List US$777 | CSVS US$444
(please note, at least one short LBF session is strongly recommended beforehand)

Life Beyond Form Starter Package (includes preparation call, short LBF, long LBF, and one deepening session) | List US$1111 | CSVS US$777

Spiritual Intelligence Deepening Session (60-90 minutes) | List US$222 | CSVS US$144

Spiritual Intelligence Starter Package (includes three deepening sessions and one short LBF) | List US$888 | CSVS US$654
