CSVS S06 Early Access 2023-08-08

Welcome to the CSVS Season 06 Content

Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit CSVS_Logo_Circular-600P

Once again, the intention for this project is fundamentally to give Spirit a voice and platform, for them to share with us what they believe is most relevant and helpful for all of us at this point in time, both as individuals and as a planet.

This is truly a collaborative process, with each one of us, and our respective spirit teams, coming together and participating in the creation of what is shared during each of these spirit-led sessions. If you are here, you can be sure that your higher self and spiritual team have helped shape what was shared with us in each session throughout this season.

We are all incredibly grateful and honored that you have joining us for this experience and hope that you get a lot out of the messages, healings and transmissions that were shared during the live sessions. As always, you will likely hear something new every time you watch, listen and/or read this information. 

Please remember, even though the words and messages are important, this is fundamentally an energetic experience; one that helps remind you of your true self, of your connection with Spirit, and ultimately that you are Source energy.

If you haven't already done so, you can purchase the Season 06 Early Access Package here at any time.

With lots of love,
The CSVS Artisans


Being Spirit ❤️ Being Human ❤️ Simply Being from Love ❤️